When you arrive at your job they should tell you within the first two weeks when you will have your health check. They should take you, but it may vary, to a hospital. When you arrive, there will be a form to fill out, if they go with you they may do it for you. Then you will be given a set of pajama-like clothes to change into and a cabinet key to store your things. The cabinet will have a pair of slippers for your to put on also. Girls, you DO need to remove your bra as well (luckily the shirt is thick). When you are ready you will go back out and be given a clipboard with a sheet of paper that has room numbers listed.
In my case, there was one large waiting area with smaller rooms in it that were numbered, these are the stations. You will go from one station to another, each designed to check something.
They will take your blood pressure; check your height, weight, vision, and hearing; a urine test where you will need to pee in a cup--they may or may not give you one with a cover (the worst part in my opinion); they will draw blood for testing; a chest x-ray; check your teeth; and finally they will ask about any diseases or surgeries you have had.
After you have finished all the stations you will return your sheet with the information collected to the counter and leave.
It should take about 2 weeks for processing to hear back. Afterwards, you can take the health cerificate to the embassy and receive your alien registration card.
Only after you have your alien registration card can you get a cell phone plan.
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